HomeRemediesMatchaWhat is Matcha Green Tea and Why is it so Popular?

What is Matcha Green Tea and Why is it so Popular?

It looks green, it smells healthy, but what does it actually do for our bodies?

Green tea has become one of the most popular drinks on the globe.

However, a greener, earthier alternative has now taken the world by storm. Matcha green tea, a traditional Japanese delicacy, has shown to offer even better health benefits.

Matcha is a type of green tea that is prepared and processed differently to traditional green tea. Americans are now consuming more matcha green tea than ever. Many of our favorite coffee shops like Starbucks are offering matcha lattes as a healthier caffeine alternative to coffee.

When you’re looking for a nice healthy burst of energy without all that excess sugar and caffeine, Matcha Green Tea is great option.

But what exactly is matcha green tea and what’s all the hype about?

What is matcha green tea?

Matcha Green Tea is made of all natural, healthy ingredients. Both green tea and matcha are made of the same tea leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant.

matcha green tea leaves

Green tea and matcha are made of the same tea leaves.

Matcha is grown differently from green tea. Before harvest, the tea leaves are covered from sunlight for 20 – 30 days. That shade increases chlorophyll production changing the colour of the leaves to a rich green shade. Once harvested, the stems and roots are removed from the leaves and the leaves are ground into a fine powder. This powder is matcha green tea.

As opposed to traditional green tea, the leaves themselves are consumed in powder form thereby providing more antioxidants, caffeine and nutrients than green tea.

Where is matcha green tea made?

Matcha green tea is the finest, healthiest, and most distinctive green tea currently available on the modern international market place.

Matcha green tea has been consumed for many centuries by members of the Japanese noble class. It was first introduced in Japanese tea ceremonies in the 12th century. Emperors, monks, and commoners have all enjoyed the robust taste of Matcha Green Tea, along with the many nutritional benefits that it brings.

matcha green tea

Matcha was first introduced in Japanese tea ceremonies.

The best quality matcha green tea is still harvested in Japan from the world’s best quality green tea leaves.

Matcha green tea health benefits

There are numerous health benefits to matcha green tea. Let’s explore a few of them.

A Stress reducer with high levels of L-Theanine

Because the shading process during the production of matcha, high levels of amino acids are produced. In particular, matcha green tea contains over 5 times the L-theanine as regular green tea. L-theanine creates a calming effect in the body which allows caffeine to be slowly absorbed.

Instead of experiencing a caffeine crash, the caffeine in matcha is slowly released over 3 – 6 hours. L-theanine also increases dopamine and triggers alertness in the brain improving focus and mood.

matcha green tea stress free

High levels of L-theanine in matcha green tea stimulates dopamine and alertness improving mood and focus.

Rich in Antioxidants

Like green tea, matcha is rich in antioxidants. As the entire green tea leaf is consumed when drinking matcha, matcha offers more antioxidants than green tea.

One of the main benefits of green tea is ECGC. ECGC is a catechin that acts as a potent antioxidant in the body. Antioxidants combat free radicals that cause cellular damage in the body. Matcha green tea has shown to have 3 times the amount of ECGC as traditional green tea.

Health Powerhouse

Due to the nutrient density of matcha green tea there are a number of benefits when consumed on a regular basis.

Studies have shown health benefits including:

  • Lower blood sugar
  • Natural detoxification
  • Weight loss
  • Lower risk of cancer due to high level of antioxidants
  • Increase in fat burning
  • Improvement in brain health
  • Lower chance of heart disease
  • Reduce inflammation

How To Make Matcha Green Tea

Matcha preparation can feel intimidating at first. However, with the right supplies, it is quite straightforward.

The recipe is relatively simple. For traditional Japanese style preparation, all you need is a bowl, spoon, and bamboo whisk called a chasen. Typically you would add half a teaspoon (2 grams) of matcha powder to your bowl. A soup bowl, or any regular bowl with a flat bottom, will do.

what is matcha green tea

Traditional Japanese matcha green tea is prepared in a bowl using a bamboo whisk called a chasen.

Whisk hot water into the powder. The process should take about 30 seconds, and should result in a green froth developing at the surface. When this has occurred, your matcha green tea is ready to drink.

Matcha can also be added to smoothies, baked goods and frothed into a latte.